About Oystein

Oystein Ulsberg Brager is a freelance theatre director and playwright. He is joint artistic director of Imploding Fictions and co-creator of the award winning Audio Fiction Podcast The Amelia Project.

Freelance directing credits include The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen (Sogn og Fjordane Teater), Frankenstein by Nick Dear (Nordland Teater), Dickens’ A Christmas Carol (Teater Grimsborken/Teater Innlandet), Journey to the East by Nelly Winterhalder (Cafeteatret, Oslo), Kinder K by Kristofer B. Grønskag (Dramatikkens hus, Oslo & guest performances around Norway), Krigsfortellinger by Amir Mirzai (Riksscenen, Oslo & school tour), Plass by Mette Karlsvik (Dramatikkens hus, Oslo), Sense (Nose) by Anja Hilling for Company of Angels (Southwark Playhouse, London) and New Norwegian Play Readings for ATC (Arcola Theatre, London).

He also works as a dramaturg and translator.

Øystein is employed as a dramaturg at Unge Viken Teater in Norway where he runs the young writers’ program UNG TEKST.

Contact details
Mobile: (0047) 986 37 123
Email: oysteinbrager (a) hotmail.com
Address: Lørenveien 55A, 0585 Oslo, Norway